
Artists for Japan was formed by a group of artists and community members in Seattle, Washington, USA in response to the tragic earthquake and tsunami disaster on March 11, 2011. As a volunteer based organization, our mission is to support Japan through the recovery and relief efforts in collaboration with local and Japan based organizations.

What We Do:
We organize and host various events and projects that provide the opportunities for people and community to gather and engage with activities that help support Japan. Through these activities, we may raise fund for charitable donations to various organizations.

Past Events:
March 26-27, 2011 Artists for Japan Art Sale
April 17, 2011 Prayer Flags of HOPE Workshop 
(Flags were delivered to Fukushima Evacuation Shelter on May 9, 2011)
June 18, 2011 Tanabata STAR & HOPE Project and Art Sale
July 16, 2011 Himawari Project & Art Sale
September 17 - October 9, 2011 Senninbari Exhibit

Fundraising Efforts To Date: 
Total amount raised as of February 12th, 2020: $122,405.54 

Raised funds have been donated to:
Umitabi Camp
Okoshiyasu Camp
Orto dei Sogni
NPO Iwaki Housyanou Shimin Sokuteishitu
PinS Projects (NPO Invisible)
Kamaishi Sien Center Nozomi
Arts Ground Tohoku
NPO Tochigi Kankyo Miraikichi
311 Koujyousengan Kazokunokai
100 Nen Fukushima (Design House Tojo)
America Red Cross Japan Relief 

Committee Members
Linda Ando
Binko Chiong-Bisbee
Sean Frego 
Etsuko Ichikawa
Elizabeth Jameson
Yuko Kunugi
Sachiko Kuwabara
Naoko Nibu-Butler
Junko Yamamoto 

Founding Members
Binko Chiong-Bisbee
Etsuko Ichikawa
Elizabeth Jameson
Tommer Peterson
Sean Frego
Junko Yamamoto

Affiliated Organization

AFJ Logo Design
Junichi Tsuneoka